What to Do if You're in a Collision
Always call the police if:
If no one is hurt:
Safety first: If it is safe, try to move your car to the side of the road, out of traffic. If you can’t drive your car, turn on your hazard lights or use cones, warning triangles or flares.
Just the facts ma’am:
- Jot down details about the accident, including how it happened, the time, date and location, the speed of all cars and the road conditions.
- Get the contact information (names, addresses, phone numbers) of the registered owners of all cars involved, other passengers and other witnesses.
- Get insurance information from all drivers involved in the accident, including the driver’s licence and plate numbers, and the names of their insurance companies and brokers.
Picasso you don’t have to be: A sketch of the accident scene noting the position and direction of the cars is also helpful. (You may want to keep a disposable camera in your glove box to use instead.)
Preventing further loss: If you are involved in a collision, you are responsible for protecting your car from further loss or damage. Your insurance company will, however, pay for this if you have purchased collision or all perils coverage.
It can be very stressful and confusing to be in an accident. There is a lot of information that you should note at the time. To help you, IBC has developed an accident report form